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Buy Local

Buy Local Find your local dealer

The backbone of our communities has always been the dedicated local business owner. Having started in the business world as a local retailer myself, the role of shop keeper has a special place in my heart as it does in the hearts of millions of Americans.

Buying local is not a political slogan, it is not a here today and gone tomorrow-twitter trending topic.

Buying local is about touch.

The touch of your hand on a fabric sample or wood veneer. The gentle, guiding touch that a dedicated employee uses to help you make the right selection. The firm, reassuring touch of an honest handshake. The lasting way a local business touches a community by giving back thru taxes, employment and purchasing.

Buying local is about assurance and trust, taste and style. No one is better equipped to understand the unique characteristics of your unique vision than those living side by side with you.

Century Furniture is a passionate supporter of buying local because of all these reasons, and because there is no better way to create the uniquely personal space our customers want than through our trusted local dealers.

Best Regards,

Alex Shuford III, President - Century Furniture